25th of November: International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

25 Nov 2013

In 1999, the United Nations General Assembly established the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is celebrated on the 25th of November. This day is aimed at urging governments, international organizations and charities to organize activities that are directed towards raising awareness amongts public opinion on this day to address the issue of violence against women, as well as possible solutions.

In 2008, the UN’s Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, began the campaign “UNITE to end violence against women,” an initiative to unite efforts in the fight against violence against women in all its forms: physical, sexual, psychological and social. According to the initiative’s latest report, on a world scale, up to 70% of women experience some kind of violence throughout their lives, with domestic violence being the most common one.

This year, the campaign has began to commemorate the 25th of every month as Orange Day, inviting everyone to wear something orange to highlight its calls for the eradication of violence against women without reservation, equivocation or delay. In 2013, UNITE Campaign is extending Orange Day to 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, starting on November 25th, through December 10th, Human Rights Day.

Through its services, Diagrama Foundation supports the fight against violence against women and against the discrimination that women and girls suffer and provides support to achieve their integration and respect. Furthermore, Diagrama has adopted a point of view that is proactive by raising awareness about these issues amongst the public.

For more information about this day, please visit the UN, the UNITE Campaign and the Orange Day.