Supported living

People supported at Bromley Supported Living and Diagrama staff together at the allotment

Diagrama’s Supported Living Service in the London Borough of Bromley focuses on supporting vulnerable people to develop the skills and confidence to live in their own house either on their own or with others so they can lead independent, fulfilled lives.

Everyone is different, so the support varies according to each person's individual needs. The support we deliver is  person-centred, so they can live the life they choose. We work closely with other local organisations to enable access to a wide variety of opportunities for those we support to be active, valued members of their local community.

For all enquiries please call 01689 891401 or email

An introduction to the Supported Living service from Manager, Marina Rubio Borrego:

Marina Rubio Borrego, Registered Manager of Diagrama’s Supported Living Service, has had several roles at Diagrama and is currently Manager of our Supported Living service.

“I started as a support worker on a part-time basis at Cabrini House before becoming Intervention Manager for all Diagrama’s services. That involved a host of different things – laying on workshops, finding solutions to problems and bringing in the Montessori methodology at Edensor Care Centre.

“Diagrama coming in and introducing the Montessori methodology meant that it’s all about person-centred care and strengthening the community here. It’s about building a family.

“The Montessori training was fantastic. It involves much more creative ways of supporting people with dementia or other long-term needs and making them much more self-sufficient.

“I then became a manager at Cabrini House. We looked at the services we were offering there and changed quite a few things, introducing the multi-sensory programme and the computer room. It was all about developing more activities and more stimulation for the people there.

“There’s a great sense of satisfaction in improving people’s quality of life. Just giving people access to computers where they didn’t have that before is fantastic but generally giving people more things to do is the key. We had safe spaces within the home where people could feel they could create their own environment and it gave staff more opportunities to develop themselves as well.

 “After Cabrini, I became Registered Manager of Diagrama’s Supported Living service. It’s a fantastic service, providing care and support to people living in seven supported living settings.

“The service keeps improving, providing more training for people to be part of the community, getting paid jobs and taking part in more activities.

“We couldn’t have achieved any of this without the fantastic team who do so much to help me. It’s just a joy to be involved in people’s lives and seeing them realise their dreams. The staff are highly motivated. My life is work, I’m here all the time and these people are my family.

 “The staff are committed, they care and they always give 100 per cent. I’m always impressed by the people who work for the supported living service, they organise holidays and trips, they essentially do everything and give up their own time to do it. They’re incredible.”

For all enquiries please call 01689 891401 or email